Friday, May 21, 2010

Lyrics of a Different Sort.

"Every Breath"-Boyce Avenue

i first heard this song a few days ago, it was a recommended music video on youtube, so i watched it. i loved it. the video was really good, and the words are incredible. then i listened to the words more closely.

one of the phrases caught my attention.

"the fairy-tale inside your head has become your new best friend"

i highly dislike to take things out of context, and i'm sure the song writer was meaning something else. but when i heard "fairy-tale inside your head", i realized that that's what i do. in my mind i overanalyze things, but i also have fairy-tales so to speak. i'm sure everybody does, but my thought pattern is different than most guys, probably. i have the perfect life all planned out in my head, a fairy-tale, but i know that its not going to work out that way. and it depresses me. the fairy tale inside my head has become my new best friend because its all i think about. but its also my worst enemy when i realize it most likely won't happen. i sometimes wish God didn't give us an unlimited imagination so that we could produce these fairy-tales inside our heads, because most often than not, it gives us false hope. i have never noticed until this week that these really are fairy-tales, and will not become reality. i'm pretty sure i know how it'll end. i'm fine with however my life turns out, but i just wish fairy-tales would come true.

i do not know what God has planned for me, but as for now, i plan on taking the road less traveled in my mind...the road i prefer not to have to travel. but with the realization that my mind is a fairy-tale, i'll have to start down this road, even though i wish not to.

the lyrics of that song helped me, even though i probably did not take the lyrics the way they were meant to be, they still changed me. lyrics of a different sort...

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