This year I became a Liberty University student. Being here at the largest Christian University in the world has changed my life. I've become friends with some of the best men and women. Friends that I hope to have forever.
Liberty is definitely unique, unique students, unique professors, unique campus and unique aura. I was not expecting much when I got here, other than a cool campus and some of my friends that were coming here with me as well. That all changed the first week I was in my dorm. The leadership here on my hall is amazing. My RAs are incredible, as well as the SLDs and PLs. My prayer leader this year was Seth, and our prayer group was awesome. The leadership has incredibly inspired my spiritual life.
I'll just give a quick rundown of my first semester. Fall 2009 semester was pretty interesting. I took U.S. History 221 class with Professor Melton, and he made history so much MORE fun for me. I can't wait to take him for my upper level history classes. (I'm a history major). I was also involved in Army ROTC my first semester, just to get a taste of the military, because I've always loved it and wanted to be in it. I'll post a separate blog about my ROTC experience later. But it was awesome. I also made some great friends, like Amy, Britta, Cara, Nicole, Brielle, and Bryan. And I can't forget my Jewish roommates, Brett and Bryan. They're...amazing. To say the least. Also became friends with some of the guys on my hall. My first semester of college included All night of Prayer, football games, drama, classes, swine flu, Christmas Coffeehouse and fun times hanging out with people.
All in all, first semester was okay.
Spring semester of 2010 was better. :)
I became much closer with the guys on my hall, like Dan, Kyle, Andrew, Brandon, and some of the leadership. I also became good friends with Andrea, who hates my Pomeranian, and her roommate Ruth. Also have a better love/hate relationship with Amy...hahaha. This semester is almost over, but it was so much more fun. Me, Andrew, and Kyle were in Math 110 together, and quite frankly were not the best behaved in the class. That's what she said jokes, as well as alot of talking were always distracting us. All 3 of us withdrew by April. My favorite class this year was by far, Evangelism 101 with Dr. Wheeler. Wheeler is probably the most influential/most kind guy I've ever met. His class was so insightful, and interesting. GNED 102 with Van Engen was also alot of fun. Other things I did during this semester was I went to my prayer leaders house for a weekend, with him and Josh, who's also in my prayer group. That was so much fun. I also saw Dear John with Cara, amazing movie. Our hall did an April Fool's prank on the RAs, by putting a set of clothes in our beds and chairs and hiding on the second floor stairwell, to make it look like the rapture happened. We got a REP email from the conduct affairs office for curfew violation, but didn't actually get the reps. Spring also brought about the spring coffeehouse, which was pretty funny. I also saw Sherlock Holmes last night at the movie feature at the Vines Center with Andrea. She fell asleep, but I watched the whole thing and loved it! Invictus was on next, and it was boring as crap. But still fun. Also, since I'm re-writing this blog, I will include my incredible birthday this year..thanks to Andrea! Watched the Sound of Music, and she painted me a picture! And I can't forget all the nights after that...some funny and cool stuff. (Tripping over tree roots and grass) The last few weeks of second semester have been the best!
As far as the spiritual level goes here at LU, its so incredible. Campus church and other things like communion and the night of prayer show me that our young generation still has strong Christians that are champions for Christ. The worship and spiritual life of the students here are so much more real than what I've seen at churches and the Christian schools I went to. I just hope that Liberty will continue this amazing trek, and keep doing the awesome job it's doing now.
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