Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Face in the Reflection.

today at work, plimoth plantation, i was doing the theater. i basically just direct people into the theater if they want to see the orientation film, then press play, and go wait outside for 13 minutes. i did this for several hours and was very bored. when im bored, i pace. so i paced for awhile, then at one point during the day, i happened to look straight up at the large clock on the wall that was facing me.

i saw a face in the reflection of the glass front of the clock. the individual had an expressionless face, blue eyes, and dark brown hair, semi-styled the same as a young man from the 40's era would. it was the face of an individual that i did not know. i stared for several minutes then walked away. only to find myself coming back to it. i did this several times throughout the hour.

the face was my reflection, but it wasnt me. it made me realize that i dont know who i am. to give the typical Christian answer of "you're a child of God" would be hypocritical. im sure that even Christians sometimes feel themselves lost as can be, and not know who they are. this is how i feel. ive done nothing with my life so far, and have composed a fairy-tale in my head of how i want life to be. i am disgusted with both of those last statements. i want to find out who i am and live my life as an individual soul with meaning.

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