Saturday, May 8, 2010

Slave to Freedom.

Romans 6:14
Sin won’t be our master, because we’re not under the law, we’re under grace. Christ is in us, and is moving us towards perfection.

Romans 6:16
You will become a slave of whatever you obey. You are a slave to something. If you obey the desires of the world, then you are a slave to sin which leads to death. But if your longing and desire for God is what drives you, then you become a slave to righteousness which brings about freedom. Slaves to freedom.

God wants us to come towards Him.

So basically I'm writing this one because I want to admit something. Before second semester, I had a lot of lust issues and other issues. Specifically during high school and even first semester here. But I talked to one of my RAs, and I started getting into the Bible more. Specifically, some of the Matt Chandler sermons I was listening to really pushed me from a slave of the world to a slave of freedom. I had been a slave to these issues and to the world my whole life, and it sucked. It was the worst times for me emotionally and mentally, and eventually started affecting me physically to the point where I couldn't sleep. The worst time was when I got 3 hours of sleep in about 6 days. I was skipping classes and trying to sleep in the afternoon, but couldn't. I talked to my RA, and he asked if I had been looking at things I shouldn't have been. I had. We talked for awhile, and I realized I'm not the only guy in the world who struggles with this. I'd be surprised if a lot of guys didn't struggle with it. But I was a slave to it, and didn't want to be any longer. After that talk, I wanted to come clean.

It's been a struggle since then, about a month and a half ago. Every day is a struggle, its a struggle of the flesh. It's not entirely Satan's fault. Sure, he provides the temptation, but the flesh actually gives in to sin.

So now, its out there. I had only told 2 people about this. But tonight I told a best friend, and now I wrote about it so I'm not keeping my sin a secret.

I've pretty much been clean for a month and a week. Or something like that. I no longer wanted to be a slave to lust and the world, I want to be a slave of freedom. Of Jesus Christ.

"If you obey the desires of the world, then you are a slave to sin which leads to death. But if your longing and desire for God is what drives you, then you become a slave to righteousness which brings about freedom. Slaves to freedom." -Matt Chandler


  1. I'm proud of you Jon :)
    But here's the real test: Are your posters still up?

  2. If you're referring to my Hayden posters, then no. I actually never put them up...they're at home.
